Accounting for sustainability: we need to change how we teach

By Miranda Prynne, 31 July, 2023
Accountants of the future will need to respond to as yet unknown sustainability reporting standards. Freirean dialogic teaching where lecturers learn alongside students through discussion helps build the skills to respond to such change
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The role of accountants is changing rapidly, putting them in leading positions where they can help to save the world from accelerating environmental crises. The accounting students in classrooms today are the business leaders of the future. They need to be prepared for accounting as a “technical, social and moral practice concerned with the sustainable utilisation of resources and proper accountability to stakeholders to enable the flourishing of organisations, people and nature,” write Gary Carnegie, Lee Parker and Eva Tsahuridu in their paper, It’s 2020: What is Accounting Today.

But how can this practice be taught if the sustainability standards are not yet set? Financial reporting standards took decades to develop and reach general agreement on an international scale. Once consensus was reached, stakeholders could rely on the principles of relevance and reliability to compare financial reports throughout the world. Sustainability standards are now following that route with the first few ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board) pointers being issued, but as not all standards have been issued how can we possibly teach our students?

The answer is Freirean dialogic teaching.

In this form of teaching the teacher must put their ego aside and learn alongside students. It was suggested by Ian Thompson and Jan Bebbington back in 2004 but has a particular relevance today when considering how to teach the rapidly evolving subject of sustainability. Freirean teaching means focusing on discussion with students, finding out their views, challenging them on their assumptions, explaining the possible wider-reaching implications of the solutions they create. In his 1970 book Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire states that: “Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.”

To be able to engage in invention and reinvention, students need three elements: knowledge, intellect and support. First, they need to know the terminology and basic principles of financial and sustainability reporting to form questions for meaningful enquiry. Second, they need the intellectual maturity to consider multiple viewpoints and synthesise evidence. Underlying this they need the security, support and encouragement from teachers and peers to have the confidence to voice their thoughts.

This can be done in an accounting classroom by:

1. Using texts such as The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Accounting which have conflicting views in them.

2. Explaining the conflicts, challenges and trade-offs that lecturers see in the world of sustainability and financial reporting.

3. Presenting with another lecturer and arguing different intellectual viewpoints.

4. Encouraging students to talk to one another to diversify their viewpoints and learn to challenge respectfully.

5. Exploring and explaining the relationship between established financial reporting principles and emerging sustainability ideas.

6. Discussing the latest developments of sustainability standards, questioning if they are achieving their aims to show how authority can be challenged.

7. Analysing the extent to which different well-known companies are responding to sustainability standards.

8. Immersing students in simulations like Accounting BISSM where they get to make business decisions, especially when weighing up profit and environmental impact.

9. Considering red flags for modern day slavery in case studies and what happens when these are ignored.

10. Discussing the wider role of accountants and attractiveness of the profession – for example, using this article entitled “How should we redefine accounting?” from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

11. Empowering students to develop intellectually by reflecting on their work using active feedback.

12. Welcoming questions and coaching students rather than having the teacher as the only source of knowledge.

By creating Freirean dialogue in accounting teaching, future generations can be empowered to truly make a difference when they enter the workplace. They can understand the roots of sustainability standards through financial reporting and use this to interpret the standards as they emerge. They will have the intellectual development to synthesise information to make decisions that allow people and nature to flourish. They will have had the support in developing confidence to become professionally sceptical and critically challenge authority. In this way they will be able to hold organisations accountable for their environmental and social damage and show how accountants can better the world.

Jennifer Rose is a senior lecturer in the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) at the University of Manchester.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the issues discussed in this resource and talking about embedding sustainability in accounting, please register your interest for an upcoming forum at AMBS, University of Manchester on 1 November here: Embedding Sustainability in Audit and Accounting Education – a forum for professional accountancy bodies, academics & training providers.

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Accountants of the future will need to respond to as yet unknown sustainability reporting standards. Freirean dialogic teaching where lecturers learn alongside students through discussion helps build the skills to respond to such change



1 year 2 months ago

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Many thanks, Jenni for your leadership in writing this thoughtful commentary in teaching ISSB pronouncements by using the Freirean dialogic teaching approach, as a way ahead. These pronouncements are otherwise known as “sustainability disclosure” standards. (Disclosure, of course, is part of accounting). We already much have experience of “greenwashing” in making such disclosures, appearing as notes to financial statements, that the reporting organisations wish to impress upon readers. Greenwashing disclosures, as the term implies, are not the solution, however. This is likely to become known as the biggest game in town of impression management – an enemy of sustainability. As emphasised by Carnegie, Parker and Tsahuridu (2021/Australian Accounting Review), accounting is a multidimensional technical, social and moral practice. To activate the “social practice” dimension, the accounting profession and professional accountants alike need to answer these questions, before mandating anything: “What does accounting do?” or “What are the impacts of accounting in the world?”. As “moral practice”, the following questions need to be answered in advance of issuing sustainability standards: “What should accounting do? What should accounting not do? In adopting Freirean dialogic teaching, as very well argued, the accounting students and their lecturers can push back on accounting to move past mentalities launched in the 1970s in setting financial reporting standards, emphasising uniformity, which are premised on accounting being conceived as a technical practice alone. According to Carnegie et al., (2021, p. 72), “accounting is not a mere neutral, benign, technical practice”.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Jennifer Rose neatly summarises the opportunities and challenges we face in teaching sustainability accounting today.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Accounting education is still very much focused on technical practice. However, without neglecting the technical perspective, the other two types of practice need to be encouraged and developed. It is perhaps a question of supporting the technical with the social and moral perspectives, which could effectively enhance and give purpose to the first. This is very clear and simplified in this text, which is a good thing. Congrats!
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Thank you for providing us with this insightful article. I believe that education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of societies. In this regard, it is imperative that we begin to incorporate a multidimensional perspective into our accounting education. Doing so will enable future generations to develop a profound awareness that can translate into tangible actions in practice.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Thank you for this interesting article. I totally agree that challenging the view of accounting as a mere technical practice is vital and can be achieved from the discussion of these topics with students. Accounting has much more to offer for society's development. I hope all of us can introduce the practices you are highlighting in classrooms.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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It is agreed about accounting education needing to change as reporting standards expand via the issue disclosure standards of the ISSB. While an understanding of the technical attributes inherent in accounting should not be neglected (and this is not proposed by Jennifer Rose), concentration on the social and moral dimensions of acounting is necessary and overdue in my view. I also agree that these social and moral perspectives need to be encouraged and developed to enhance give meaning to the technical by effectively situating accounting in its broader contexts.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Dear Jennifer, I had the pleasure and honor to listen to your perspective on higher education at the last Accounting Educators Conference organized by RMIT University (with the support of CPA Australia) and at the following events supported by CAANZ and the Department of Accounting (RMIT University). I agree that embedding sustainability in accounting teaching can make an enormous difference, but I would support Garry's point that the dominant perspective focuses on 'sustainability disclosures' (financial accounting), with the danger of 'greenwashing'. Less attention has been paid to the management accounting potential to add to sustainability a stronger ability to be embedded in the planning, decision-making and changing of behavior. For instance, financial accounting standards (and disclosures) account for the 'past' and they do not incorporate estimated costs for future scenarios or costs/benefits of externalities (positive or negative) due to the commitment/lack of commitment of any organization to a real sustainability mentality. While the definition of sustainability implies 'taking care of future generations', none of the main financial reports indicate precisely the above-mentioned costs/benefits and/or recognize that in a sustainable world the boundaries of an organization should be much more fluid than the traditional ones. I am not sure how much accountants are up to this challenge, instead of delegating this important functions to other professional corpuses.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Thanks very much for a great article Jennifer. There is sometimes a perception that accounting is about the 'black' and the 'white', whereas we know its very much about understanding the 'grey' - where professional judgement and tensions exist and need to be reconciled, especially when talking about sustainability. Well done on a great synthesis of how to approach teaching it.
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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Thanks Jenni for the thought-provoking article. It's great to see your suggestions of how to embed sustainability in our teaching, rather than the bolt-on approach that has been used for some years now. I agree that encouraging dialogue in the classroom is key, we need students (as prospective accountants) to be able to talk about the big issues, to understand different points of view, and take a moral standpoint, whilst having the underpinning technical knowledge of the accounting specialism. A few have commented how important the underpinning technical practice is, and I don't disagree. But how do take a Freirean approach in our classrooms when we have such huge technical demands on our syllabuses (largely driven by accreditation), and have such large numbers of students? Impossible? Certainly not, but a huge challenge! Given the number of passionate accounting educators I know, it's exciting to think of the developments ahead!
jwt token


1 year 2 months ago

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This is an interesting article Jenni. This links well with the recently published Carnegie et al. paper COVID-19 and accounting as multidimensional technical, social and moral practice: a framework for future research, which can be found here: Also, a call for papers for a special issue of Meditari Accountancy Research, on the theme of Accounting as technical, social and moral practice for shaping a better world, which can be found here: This is an important contribution, thanks.
jwt token


1 year 1 month ago

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Thank you Jennifer for addressing such important issue and a timely advice among accounting educators! Our students are our future who will contribute to our future sustainable world. Accounting educators thus play an important role in shaping our future. Incorporating the fundamental concept and definition of accounting - accounting a “technical, social and moral practice concerned with the sustainable utilisation of resources and proper accountability to stakeholders to enable the flourishing of organisations, people and nature,” proposed by Gary Carnegie, Lee Parker and Eva Tsahuridu, and the Freirean dialogic teaching, we are better placed in enhancing our educational roles!
jwt token


1 year 1 month ago

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Delfina Gomes
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Thank you, Jennifer for taking the initiative and having a keen interest to prepare and upload this thought stimulating commentary. It is pleasing to read all the comments by others before this comment. I agree with Sophia, who states “Our students are our future who will contribute to our future sustainable world”. However, the accounting educators of today (us), must proactively lead our students of today into a world where accounting, and not just disclosure, is deployed to shape a better, sustainable world.
jwt token


1 year 1 month ago

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Thanks Jenni, this is giving me some confidence to continue moving away from didactic lecture-based practice towards more collaborative learning approaches particularly in relation to emerging / complex areas. I think it's vital in a fast-paced complex world to embolden students to consider a range of views rather than assuming there is one 'right' answer. Thanks for providing us with some excellent suggestions to incorporate into our teaching. I can see this approach being useful for auditing/assurance teaching in light of the emerging audit reforms.
jwt token


1 year 1 month ago

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Interesting views, I'm not sure we ought to be claiming we know "the answer" to this issue (or for education in general), but I do think that dialogue is the core or what is needed in the classroom. Without dialogue (in some form) the learning environment becomes little more than a space for the transfer of knowledge and of techniques. Frieire's "banking model" of education. This is not a model that is defensible if we are to fulfil our responsibilities to our students and society. We need to encourage students to question what is being done in the name of accounting and in the name of sustainability in the realm of accounting and reporting. It is hoped this workshop in Manchester on the 1st November will help us move towards appropriate dialogues, in both professional and educational spaces.
jwt token


1 year 1 month ago

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Reimi Sivalingam
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Insightful article with helpful practical teaching tips on embedding sustainability in accounting, Jenni Rose! I agree that as accounting educators, we should act not only as experts but as facilitators and coaches in encouraging dialogue amongst students about this rapidly evolving topic. To create the business leaders of tomorrow to make a difference and challenge the status quo about what Accounting is and its impact on society, we should strive to shift the mindset of students that Accounting is NOT just about the 'numbers' and encourage discussions in the classroom about 'accountability' in accounting by considering the moral and social dimensions in practice.
jwt token


1 year ago

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Thanks Jenni, I wholeheartedly agree! So much learning comes from discussion, critique, debate and creative exploration that we need to ensure we give students the space to share and discuss their reflections and ideas. In the accounting profession, we are currently going through a period of rapid change, not only with the increasing focus on sustainability reporting, but also with the growing practice of integrating social and environmental considerations into management accounting and financial decision making. In a time of such great flux, accounting students need to understand the underlying sustainability concepts and the challenges and opportunities associated with them, to allow them to interpret and adapt appropriately with each new change. For anyone seeking practitioner-based content or corporate case studies to help inform these learning discussions, may I suggest exploring the (all freely available) Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Knowledge Hub or the A4S International Case Competition which invites business and accounting students to apply their learning to real world challenges, such as supply chain resilience, human rights, nature-based solutions and net zero emissions.
jwt token


1 year ago

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Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. It is fantastic to see that so many educators are very passionate about this and making sure that this enthusiasm gets into the classroom. I hope to see many of you at Manchester on 1 November and am really grateful for you logging on and sharing your thoughts.
jwt token