Sustainable Development Goals

How can universities help achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals? From research to mitigate the climate crisis and embedding the Global Goals into your teaching to creating sustainable campuses, academics and staff share strategies
By Laura.Duckett, 1 February, 2024
We can expect radical changes in sustainability accounting over the next few years. Developing a sustainability mindset for yourself and your students seems like a good place to start, write Sulaiman Aliyu and Toby York
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By Eliza.Compton, 19 January, 2024
Engaging in local civic projects offers students meaningful learning opportunities, fosters co-creation and supports the community at large. Here, Martha Sullivan outlines the benefits based on working with the Empty Bowls project
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By Eliza.Compton, 5 January, 2024
Should academics be travelling to events that could be done virtually? Drawing on her experiences at COP28, Denise Baden shares tips on how to make the most of these events – and why a chance to form alliances, learn from each other and share ideas for action make it worth being present
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By Eliza.Compton, 4 December, 2023
From listening to the student voice to creating joined-up partnerships, success on major capital works depends on teamwork. Here, Dominic Wood outlines key elements to ensure project delivery and reap long-term benefits
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