Skills every early career academic needs

By Eliza.Compton, 2 November, 2023
What beginners need to know to thrive in every aspect of their university careers
Skills every early career academic needs
What beginners need to know to thrive in every aspect of their university careers
ECR skills spotlight image

From how to get published to how to get promoted, early career academics and researchers require a slew of skills that stretch far beyond the lab or the lecture theatre. This collection of resources covers career advice, networking, working internationally, funding and grant applications, mentoring, time management, staying well and strategies to navigate the complex world of academia. 

Skills for success in an academic career
By Eliza.Compton, 16 October, 2023
The good news is that times of turmoil are ideal for innovation – and far more skills are transferable from bench to IPO than you might imagine. Here are eight actions that will get your start-up off the ground
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Forging your own path
By Eliza.Compton, 12 September, 2023
From publication to grant applications, the rites of academia come with unfavourable odds. Yet researchers are rarely taught how to deal with uncertainty. Here, Yaniv Hanoch offers mitigation strategies
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By Eliza.Compton, 30 August, 2023
The journey from adjunct to permanent requires adaptability, foresight and self-awareness. Here, Andrew Stapleton offers tips – such as diversifying skills, strategic branding and mobility – to enhance an academic career
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By Miranda Prynne, 30 June, 2023
Rejection is an inevitable part of being an academic, so it is vital to develop strategies to cope with and learn from setbacks in order to succeed in the longer term. Paul A. Walcott shares six such strategies
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Writing and getting published
By Eliza.Compton, 2 November, 2023
Many early career researchers struggle to write enough. The key is to move away from an abstract notion of productivity and towards a productive writing process, explains Rachael Cayley. Here, she offers questions to help ECRs find their writing rhythm
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Funding and research proposals
By Miranda Prynne, 27 June, 2022
To write a successful grant proposal, academics need to focus on the relevant details that will help sell their research idea to the reviewer and this requires a shift of mindset, as Kaycie Butler explains
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Making the mentoring relationship work
By Eliza.Compton, 4 September, 2023
An institutional formalised mentoring scheme can offer invaluable career guidance for early- and mid-career academics. Here, based on 15 years of managing a programme for academic staff, Karen Mather offers her key takeaways
Life online as an academic
By Eliza.Compton, 26 October, 2023
Communicating to the public can result in abuse of academics. Here, University of Southampton staff describe their experiences and provide tips on anticipating and dealing with trolling