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Featured image Published Title Published Date Author Institution
Prioritising equity in higher education: the impact of individual identities Miranda Prynne Edinburgh Napier University
Keep calm and carry on: ChatGPT doesn’t change a thing for academic integrity Miranda Prynne Edinburgh Napier University
How to run an effective student well-being campaign dene.mullen Edinburgh Napier University
Learned words: using poetry to reflect on practices in higher education Miranda Prynne Edinburgh Napier University
THE podcast: breaking down barriers with research and student-led campaigns sara.custer Edinburgh Napier University, University of Nottingham
Using immersive tech to enrich healthcare education Miranda Prynne The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University
Creating poetry from data to aid analysis Miranda Prynne Edinburgh Napier University
Using poetry to solve problems Miranda Prynne Edinburgh Napier University
Talking about taboos: how to create an open atmosphere for discussing difficult subjects Eliza.Compton Edinburgh Napier University
Design online assessment to prevent academic misconduct miranda.prynne Edinburgh Napier University
Tackling ‘fake news’ in online education miranda.prynne York University, Edinburgh Napier University