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When it comes to professional development, let’s not forget part-time lecturers Miranda Prynne The University of Portsmouth, Royal College of Art, London School of Architecture
Extended reality for extending education Miranda Prynne The University of Portsmouth
Want students back in the classroom? Don’t give everything away online dene.mullen The University of Portsmouth
The changes to the National Student Survey could prove disastrous dene.mullen The University of Portsmouth
Tutor training for architect-educators: twinning, observation, reflection and testing Miranda Prynne The University of Portsmouth
Managers are so far from the front line; how can they advance EDI? dene.mullen The University of Portsmouth
Assessing career action plans: improving graduate employability Miranda Prynne The University of Portsmouth
Career corners: a simple way to improve student job preparation Miranda Prynne The University of Portsmouth
Are you optimising the user experience for your students? Miranda Prynne The University of Portsmouth
My Christmas wish? Wider recognition that blended is different from online dene.mullen The University of Portsmouth
Research supervision: working with the individual in front of you Eliza.Compton The University of Portsmouth
It’s time for the media to work with universities, not against us dene.mullen The University of Portsmouth