Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

By Anonymous (not verified), 6 October, 2021

How can universities contribute to achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals? From research to mitigate the climate crisis to teaching through an SDG lens, academics share strategies

By Laura.Duckett, 1 February, 2024
We can expect radical changes in sustainability accounting over the next few years. Developing a sustainability mindset for yourself and your students seems like a good place to start, write Sulaiman Aliyu and Toby York
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By Eliza.Compton, 19 January, 2024
Engaging in local civic projects offers students meaningful learning opportunities, fosters co-creation and supports the community at large. Here, Martha Sullivan outlines the benefits based on working with the Empty Bowls project
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By Eliza.Compton, 5 January, 2024
Should academics be travelling to events that could be done virtually? Drawing on her experiences at COP28, Denise Baden shares tips on how to make the most of these events – and why a chance to form alliances, learn from each other and share ideas for action make it worth being present
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By Eliza.Compton, 4 December, 2023
From listening to the student voice to creating joined-up partnerships, success on major capital works depends on teamwork. Here, Dominic Wood outlines key elements to ensure project delivery and reap long-term benefits
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By Eliza.Compton, 28 November, 2023
PhD researchers should be given space to work independently, share their results and test their own limits with the support of supervisors who see them as people first and scientists second, explains Hannah Cloke
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By Eliza.Compton, 7 November, 2023
Presenting sustainability research in a story – with a protagonist, goal and resolution – can bridge the gap between complex theory and real-world results for wider audiences and policymakers alike
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By Miranda Prynne, 22 August, 2023
In the third part of their series, Rob Wilby and Shona Smith explain how universities can determine their climate risk exposure, then identify actions to reduce associated threats to people, property and operations
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By Miranda Prynne, 21 August, 2023
We induce eco-anxiety by teaching students about climate change, so training them in practical and achievable solutions to it are needed, too, write Helen Hicks and Dawn Lees

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By Miranda Prynne, 31 July, 2023
Accountants of the future will need to respond to as yet unknown sustainability reporting standards. Freirean dialogic teaching where lecturers learn alongside students through discussion helps build the skills to respond to such change
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By Eliza.Compton, 27 July, 2023
Top-ranked Western Sydney University combines immediate action with long-term planning to drive progress in achieving impact aligned with the SDGs. Here, Deborah Sweeney and Kevin Dunn share insights learned from their institution-wide approach
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By Miranda Prynne, 12 July, 2023
In the second part of their series, Rob Wilby and Shona Smith explain how running institutional plans through different scenarios can help improve a university’s resilience to future challenges relating to climate change
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By Eliza.Compton, 9 June, 2023
What’s been lacking in the decarbonisation journey is the ability to bring universities together to share best practices, resources and tools, so that pioneers in the area can assist those just starting out. Now there’s a toolkit
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By Eliza.Compton, 7 June, 2023
Want to reduce single-use waste at your university? In this guide for students and administrators, Rojine McVea offers tips for how to set up a reusable dish service based on her own experience
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By Eliza.Compton, 2 May, 2023
Instead of compartmentalising decisions about infrastructure or resource allocation, universities need a whole-system approach to sustainability that shifts attitudes and behaviour, writes Lily Kong
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By dene.mullen, 14 February, 2023
From reaching out to the local community to making it interactive, Christina Chant offers seven tips for effectively promoting your university’s well-being services
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By ashton.wenborn, 7 February, 2023
With institutions under pressure to demonstrate their value in an increasingly competitive sector, having a strategy that focuses on the world’s biggest challenges can drive sustainable success
By Miranda Prynne, 1 November, 2022
The teaching of sustainability and the SDGs needs to equip graduates with the skills to bring about transformative change for a better future. Jen Dollin, Brittany Hardiman and Susan Germein explore what this means for universities
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By Miranda Prynne, 17 October, 2022
Carbon offsetting is a hotly debated issue, with critics positing that it distracts from real efforts to reduce emissions. David Duncan explains why a compromise position in which offsetting is used to complement focused efforts at carbon reduction may be needed
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By Miranda Prynne, 29 September, 2022
Higher education has become too aligned to specific economic interests and needs to be redirected to focus on regenerative values for the common good, argue Richard Hil, Kristen Lyons and Fern Thompsett
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