What do equity, diversity and inclusion mean in the context of higher education? Academics explore how ED&I issues should shape universities’ teaching, culture and management
Why real progress won’t be made unless universities solve three persistent issues: access to networks, unconscious bias and insider culture, writes Blane Ruschak
Universities can design programmes that meet student-parents where they are with their childcare needs – here, Joanitt Montano and Chike Aguh outline three ways
EDI initiatives are commonplace in Western higher education. They pay little or no attention to the global diversity of racism. But should they, asks Alastair Bonnett
Do women’s health policies in higher education meet the needs of those they are meant to serve, and how might the stigma relating to aspects of womanhood be addressed?
Practical accommodations that support autistic individuals in higher education and embrace the strengths they bring to the workforce, fostering inclusion and productivity
EDI campaigns and scholarships keep failing ethnic minority students because they are tailored to the needs of white people, writes Andrea E.L. Attipoe
Descriptions of images in online documents help all readers – not just those with vision impairment – to fully understand the photograph, chart or graph and make the information accessible
Universities and employees are still learning about long Covid and how to deal with it, meaning it’s even more important to offer help and reasonable adjustments