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Interdisciplinarity makes us greater than the sum of our parts kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
The transformative power of immersive field studies kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Making group work work: how to enable successful student collaboration kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Everything you need to know about teaching cases kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
AcademiaTok: how to inspire Generation Z with academic research kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Five ways to connect PhD students with industry kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Three key collaborations to foster digital fluency in students kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Sharpen your students’ interview skills kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Three tips for using capstone projects to improve employability kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Four ways to engage students in blogging kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Want to foster community and give your students a voice? Start blogging kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
Prepare the workforce of tomorrow by integrating data literacy into your curriculum kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
The what, why and how of data visualisation for higher education kiera.obrien The London School of Economics and Political Science
THE podcast: how to turn university students into engaged citizens – and voters Eliza.Compton Rutgers University, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Foster mentorship skills to create the socially responsible leaders of the future Miranda Prynne The London School of Economics and Political Science
Transitioning to a PhD: common struggles and how to overcome them Miranda Prynne The London School of Economics and Political Science
Advice for early career researchers on handling workplace inequality, prejudice and exclusion miranda.prynne The London School of Economics and Political Science, King’s College London
Social sciences, humanities and arts are critical for sustainability dene.mullen The London School of Economics and Political Science
Sparking entrepreneurship online miranda.prynne The London School of Economics and Political Science