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Featured image Published Title Published Date Author Institution
Enhance inclusivity by switching to a more equitable work allocation model Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
Building equitable learning pathways in HE Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
Build healthy resident student communities with restorative practice Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
Empower migrant and refugee women for career success Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
Campus webinar: The evolution and innovation of interdisciplinarity kiera.obrien The University of Queensland , University of Southern Queensland , The University of Newcastle, Australia
Careers services must step up to support students with disabilities Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
AI and assessment redesign: a four-step process Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
A tailored onboarding programme can help set neurodivergent students up for success Laura.Duckett The University of Newcastle, Australia
Campus webinar: Can universities keep pace with digital transformation? sara.custer The University of Adelaide, University of Southern Queensland , The University of Newcastle, Australia
The cruel optimism of research careers: how to support contract workers dene.mullen The University of Newcastle, Australia, University of Kent, University of Manchester, Queensland University of Technology
The secret to timely, relevant, inclusive communication with students stefan.gagov The University of Newcastle, Australia