Showing a course’s real-world applications and linking to potential students’ studies will help to ensure that your higher education taster event turns interest into enrolments
Higher education needs transformative practices to respond to the challenges of the 21st century. Combining expansive, organic learning with active, critical use of technology could be the way forward
Academic ways of communicating are often the exact opposite of what you need to draw widespread attention to your research, writes Simon Hall. Here are simple ways to help your message reach its audience
The reputational crisis of many universities is a crisis of identity, writes Santiago Fernández-Gubieda. Here, he explains that reputation starts within the organisation, and offers five actions to foster public trust in universities
The power of a combined voice can make working life easier for university faculty and staff with children. Here, Judith Lock lays out the challenges of mixing parenthood with academia and how networks lead to more family-friendly campuses
However much we fear its impact or despise its outputs, when teaching humanities, the best response is to encourage students to engage with it critically
Improving processes can start with an objective to help team members be happy in their jobs while supporting their office’s activities. These steps focus on staff, faculty and students rather than systems