Early career research

Academic career development advice for early career researchers – and those who manage ECRs – covering time management, writing and funding tips, well-being and networking
By Eliza.Compton, 15 October, 2024
As political expression on social media can harm public perception of scientists, strategies such as sharing research, separating personal and professional identities, and engaging objectively are ways that academics can use it effectively while preserving credibility
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By Eliza.Compton, 18 September, 2024
The comedy stage can be a place for academics to be silly and let it all hang out. Chris Pahlow explores why humour is effective for scholars and the people they’re trying to communicate with about their research
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By Eliza.Compton, 2 September, 2024
Academic ways of communicating are often the exact opposite of what you need to draw widespread attention to your research, writes Simon Hall. Here are simple ways to help your message reach its audience
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